Crack UPSC exams without coaching


Checkout in This Article How to Crack UPSC exams without coaching .

Yes, you are hearing it right you can crack IAS exams without coaching if you take the right steps towards your goal. With some online sources and some tricks & tips, you can easily preapare for IAS exams & clear it out. All you required is your focus on the aim you want to achieve, dedication towards your goal & the right guidence.

Crack UPSC exams without coaching

How to prepare for IAS exams at home?

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Follow the steps given below to achieve you target:-

  • Understand the UPSC pattern & it’s procedure first for your better knowledge.
  • Read the syllabus throughly.
  • Start searching on youtube watch videos of some subjects like History, Polity, Geography etc.. or read some books related to these subjects.
  • Improve your gernal knowledge by reading newspaper & watching news on daily basis.
  • Make your time table & follow your daily schedule strictly.
  • Enrol yourself in good test series & boost up your writing speed
  • Bring confidence in you.

Is one year sufficient for IAS preparation?

Yes, one year if enough for IAS preparation if you will prepare with all your efforts.

How to prepare for IAS during graduation?

You can start your IAS preparation during graduation. All you have to do is go through the syllabus, make your time table follow it strictly. People say when you wake up it’s morning so just start today if you thinking of it and starting early has alot of advantages because you gonna have age on your side. Also being young & cracking IAS at very small age gives goosebumps to you. because you can competite with your elders. Also read How to study Maths for JEE .

Being in college helps you alot, their are so many frinds in your friends circle who are preparing for it they can solve your problems & clear all your doubts you can study in your free time in your college library. Dont’t forget to participte in your college fests & events because it will groom your personality & also give you alot of experience for your work.

Crack UPSC exams without coaching

Can i prepare for IAS after 12th?

If you’re preparing it just after 12th you have alot of advantage because you can choose your subjects as per your interest & which will suit your IAS preparation. You can opt for subjects like Socioloy, History, Political Science because it will help you to cover UPSC preparation. And you will have alot of time to work on your soft skills & communication, develop a good hobby. These things will help you in the interview & speacilly it will give you confidence. Read LAW ENTRANCE EXAM IN UP This Also .

How to apply for the IAS exam?

Visit our UPSC Notifications page regularly. We update all the relevant UPSC news & all information you want to know.

There are some important things you should know while yourself for the journey which are as follows :-

  • Before trying to understand how you  should start preparing for UPSC at home, you should prepare yourself for the journey first so that you don’t have any speed breakers to slow down your speed or to stop your studies in mid of the road, prepare your mind. Set goals & devote your time effectively, just your best in what you do
  • Understand the UPSC pattern thoroghly, & start your IAS preparation accordingly

        – UPSC exams have three stages prelims,                        mains & interview.

  • If you’re working & doesn’t wanna quit then you should know how to devote your time to your studies because your exams also need alot of studies. In today’s generation everything is possible  because everything is online you ca handle both easily.
  • To become an IAS officer it’s necessary to be like an officer, you have to well organize your routine
  • Set your comfortable timetable to study without any disturbance & stick to your timetable
  • Making a timetable will make your work easy & you can prepare without any tension in your mind that what to study what to not and lemme tell you one thing with deadlines we work more effectively.
  • For the exam the most important thing is to know the syllabus. The UPSC has provided the syllabus for the civil services preliminiary & main examination in an eloborate manner.
  • The most important thing for UPSC exams is to read newspapers daily because if you don’t read it I’m sorry you can’t clear this exam so it’s necessary to read newspaper daily
  •  The NCERT textbooks of classes 6th to 12th plays a very important role in IAS exams.

this is it in Crack UPSC exams without coaching . Check Our career Section For More Latest updates.


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